Meet Mr Tan

You are unlikely to find Mr Tan at home after breakfast. The 74-year-old keeps himself busy, including travelling an hour to Bedok in the east, where he used to live to meet up with old friends. Jovial and quick to offer advice on eating healthily, it is no surprise that Mr Tan is very particular about his diet. He is also a fiercely loyal father and son, making regular visits to see his 99-year-old mother at the hospice and his son, who is in prison.

Here’s how you can help


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Volunteer with CRT

Befriend the residents of Block 52 Cassia Crescent by volunteering a skill, participating in day-to-day activities, or organising community events

Take Action

Thank you for wanting to make a difference by supporting the work of the Cassia Resettlement Team at Block 52 Cassia Crescent. Please provide us with the information below, and someone from CRT will be in touch soon.

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Buy the book

Buy the book

Support CRT’s efforts by purchasing They Told Us to Move: Dakota—Cassia online
(published by Ethos Books)

Read more about CRT’s Impact

Read more about CRT’s Impact

Dive into the work of CRT, and discover how its volunteers have impacted the lives of the elderly at Block 52 Cassia Crescent, through cooperation, mutual respect and deepening friendships.

About Cassia Resettlement Team

About CRT

The Cassia Resettlement Team (CRT) was formed in 2017 and serves the needs of residents who were relocated from different rental flat estates, such as Dakota Crescent and Sims Drive to Cassia Crescent.



Juliana Tan

Producer, Photography & Writer

Tsen-Waye Tay

Camera & Editor

Grace Baey

Camera Assistant

vanessa chua


Jemimah Seow


Calvin Tan

Executive Producer

Von Tan

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