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The Cheerleader

People gravitate towards you because you radiate positivity. 

When your loved ones feel down, they know they can count on you for encouragement. Full of life and filled with love, you are a spirited person who isn’t shy to use your voice (whether it’s in chats or on social media) for a good cause. 

A big champion of those you believe in, you support and lift them up so that they are able to achieve what they set out to do. Very few things can give you as much meaning.

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Actions customised just for you

Give love to your family

For one week, share one thing you like, love, or appreciate about a family member each day.

Check in on your friends

Check in with friends whom you haven’t spoken to in a while to send some love and encouragement their way.

Cheer your community on

Use your voice on your social media platforms to spread the word about stories of people doing good in these times.

A story of a Cheerleader like you

Actions others have taken & shared on #OBWbirthd8